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The Majority

Karen Frances

“There are billions of tiny acts that create suffering in the world - Acts of ignorance, greed, violence. But in the same way, each act of caring - all the billion tiny ways that we offer compassion, wisdom and joy to one another - serves as a preservative and healing agent.”

Ram Dass

As you know, or maybe don’t, I am not one to watch the news, talk shows, morning shows, read news, subscribe to any news channel or media and am such an amateur, completely unskilled when it comes to social media so much so that if I actually download an app on my phone and can open it, Ingrid is so impressed with me. But there are good reasons for distancing myself from the constant reporting of the good, bad and babble that in all honesty, feels like a bombardment of things being thrown at me, with my first instinct: duck! I know my purpose and I stay fully engaged in that lane, while keeping a peripheral glance to the world at large. However, when my closest confidants chastise me for basically “not really knowing what is going on in the world around me…” I try to explain to them that I do know as much as I need to, trust me, I am out there living it, but when something of significance demands my attention, I am alerted, usually by the person that chastises me, or see a glimpse of it somewhere or overhear strangers talking about it. When that happens I do heed the universe’s “heads up” and proceed to fully engage. I also do engage during every election year and do quite a bit of listening and research but I do not participate in social media and pretty much mind my own business.

Last Monday, before the sun rose, I was driving 6.5 hours up to New Jersey to finish some appointments and take care of some loose ends. I did another early start on Wednesday to return home; busy, jam packed two days and I was exhausted. Arriving home mid afternoon, I unpacked the car, unpacked myself, found something I could eat and then sat down, totally drained and put on my DVR to watch the rest of the movie I did not finish Sunday evening before I left; “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2”. I was at the part where Harry is about to fight Voldermort for the second and final time when my phone dings; it’s a text from Ingrid.

“Turn on the TV”

“Go on the news channel!!!!”

To which I texted back, “which one”

“Any channel. Trump supporters took over the capitol. The National Guard was called.”

I’m not reacting at this point, (I don’t think this could be accurate?) and respond, “Ok”.

I pushed the “Guide” button on the remote to find a news channel and when I hit “OK” to select CNN, I was not ready for the visual and headline that presented itself in that moment, it was surreal; “Trump supporters stormed the Capital.” And there they all were, beating down doors, breaking windows, and my first thought was why were they even allowed on the damn steps? Where are the police?

Up to this point I have kept my blog and this platform a place where I hope everyone who visits is comfortable; non-religious, non-political, just my stories and thoughts, not a stage to deliver sermons or patriotic rhetoric or judgement of any kind except on myself. I have created it as a part of me; respective to everyone’s own path, being truthful, holding myself accountable, working on compassion and hopefully shedding some light to others or at the very least, giving them a smile. However, I am compelled to write on this particular event in the best context that I can and so forgive me if I fall short of this intent.

For years now, and I am going back at least 8 or 9 years, I have had the same debate with a few people; whether there are more good people in the world than bad. We know Ingrid is not a fan of people in general and will tell me, from time to time, they are all bad. For “A”, an officer of the law, there definitely were more bad people and the meager good people that happened to be here, weren’t good enough. Well, I understood that he saw the worst of humanity on a daily basis and why he would feel that way, but I did not hold that to be true ever and would argue with him; I know there are more good people in the world. “Always”.

So while the world is watching, and you, my dear sisters and brothers, that are from different parts of this universe in which we all coexist, I want to assure you that here in these United States, (which have not been that united), there is more good, more light than darkness.

Although we are and have been going through a transition from the worst of ourselves, we have chosen and won the hope to be the best of ourselves. We stood up, we spoke up, raised our voices and made ourselves heard and a witness to the injustices that have held us apart; an injustice to one is an injustice to all. We stood in line for hours, made it our number one priority to vote, no matter the challenges and roadblocks and helped others to do so; we held the line while everyone held their breath. We made sure to stay home, stay masked and be responsible. We gave food, gave time, gave money and gave ourselves to any and every service we could to help. We heard the endless lies and propaganda being distributed and shared and we argued endlessly against it. We have prayed and encouraged, prayed and supported, prayed and blessed those around us that show up at work, at home, wherever, so we can continue with our basic needs. And when there was a question as to whether truth would prevail, in November, over 7 million more people chose truth and declared death to the lies, the hatred, the entitlement, the abuse of power, because there are more good people or people of light then there are people existing in the dark.

I was devastated when I saw the footage of the attack on our “White House” but again, I also recognized and witnessed our leaders who were there to make a declaration for a new president and a new day. Who went back into that (Capitol) building, not knowing if it was safe after fleeing for their lives and finished their job; they did what they needed to do to hold the line once again. And as the story continued to be told through the media and we learned new things about this fateful day, we saw leaders who had fallen under the dark mark for so long, awaken and rise up and finally take a stand for truth and law and government and everything that we hold dear to our freedoms in this country; the job they took an oath to uphold. Although we have been complacent over some time now, we have learned what we could lose and let me assure you, we will not let that happen; We are awake, We are engaged, We are holding the line, We are Warriors of the Light and We are more together in strength and number than the darkness that pervades.

So, if you read “KFBlog26: DH Part 2”, (, you may think after reading this, what a coincidence that I was watching the very movie that I believed outlined all of the events that played out here. Hmmmmm.

But I do not believe in coincidence, so how that story ends, I will also end my story here. In 19 years, a scene will open up where we see a different country, a different world, a different age. I am not sure how we will arrive there, but as my old boss Brian always used to say to me, “Don’t worry, we’ll get there”. And we do.

Hold the Light.


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