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Promises to Keep

Karen Frances

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.”

Robert Frost

As this year winds down and we are all looking forward to a new and brighter year, a list has been formulating in my head since October of all the little things about myself that I would like to work on, do something about, change for the better. At the end of each one of those thoughts comes the same old declaration; “I will start January 1st”, drawing that proverbial line in the sand, putting myself on notice. Ah huh.

Another year of new resolutions or more like recycled resolutions; promises to myself that fell flat, were never started or were, but not in the consistency intended or required. And of course, with all of those thoughts I cannot help but go back to those other years of promises I made but didn’t keep and wonder; So why do I keep my word with everyone else I give it to but then don’t with myself. Hmmmmmmm. “What is up with that, Karen Frances?”

Were the items I listed for improvement not that important?

Were there things that sounded good or were expected but when you got right down to it, I really didn’t want to bother doing or even try? Maybe they weren’t truly mine to begin with. Were they easy to blow off, forget about or was it me just giving in and giving up? (Yes, I am human and sometimes I just run out of “I can do this” or “Keep going” mantras of energy.) Or maybe it had nothing to do with the actual items at all; shouldn’t my word or promise be kept, no matter what it is and for whom, even if it is to me? Especially if it is to me?

So if I go back and look at my New Years’ resolutions in this light, I may just want to put a little more thought into exactly what changes I will put into play come the first day of this new year and what that all entails; whether a simple one off item I can check “completed” immediately or something I will need to practice, practice, practice so that it eventually becomes the hard habit I am trying to make it be. Sigh. Things, that no matter if they are difficult or incidental, are just as important for the simple fact that I made a promise to do so and a promise is a promise, even if it is only to myself. (Now the promise that myself and Mr. W made together in support of one another, is going to take a great bit of willpower but I will make sure I keep my end of that bargain. You, Mr. W?)

My wish to all is a new year filled with endless opportunities and possibilities, lots of courage to take another step forward and upward, graduating to the next level, the perseverance and resilience to see ourselves through, plenty of kindness and forgiveness when we are less than what we want as our best selves, greeting each new day as another chance to make a difference, treating each other as the divine beings that we all are and shining our light more brightly and consistently.

Most of all, keep your promises, especially the ones you make to yourself because you are just as important as everyone and everything in the world around you. And please don’t be afraid to be the shining star that we all know you most definitely are…….. Promise?

So, how is that list coming?


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