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New Year

Karen Frances

Another year is ending and a new one is dawning just over the horizon. The calendar will go back to the beginning and we will start our one year countdown once again. Some will resurrect all the resolutions that fell to the wayside, start over and vow to do better. Some will look at this year as finally, definitely kicking that habit, finally getting out of debt, finally finishing that DIY project that reminds you everyday that you failed, gave up, was kidding yourself. Finally, getting a chance, a new start, a clean slate, to do over, hopefully much better.

But just because the calendar starts over at the first of its three hundred and sixty five days, and most claim to “start over” in their resolve, new attitude, mustering of great courage, maybe the failures of those short, abrupt stops weren’t all you. Maybe it wasn’t the right time, not right for you where you were then, not what you needed to focus on. And since you already started, why would you want to start over when you can look at things differently, from where you are now.

I personally am not starting over. I am going to continue…..

I have worked really hard this last year; to give in to the inevitable and find a home. To push myself beyond very comfortable and worn out limits, to be scared and do it anyway. I have gone deeper, allowing myself to trust without hesitation, to allow and accept beyond doubt, to translate the subtleties around me. I have regressed to discover just who I was, what I was, and what that means for me here, right now. I have stood with the angels in witness to a miracle, experienced unconditional love, received gifts and blessings beyond my comprehension, held in a sacred space that enveloped me and became both teacher and student.

I came out in a big way, found my tribe, received higher insight, stilled water, surrendered completely to a higher force, prayed with people all over the world, for all of our world and allowed myself to be a channel of light. I received all that I needed and noted the synchronicity of my life walking me forward, supported and protected. I assisted those seeking connection, truth, and with a simple welcome, gave them hope. I dissolved deeper into quiet, patience, listening and knowing, and above all keeping the one promise that I made to the creator for the life of another.

So why would I start over now when I have worked so hard to be here, right where I am and so far from where I have come. No. When the clock strikes midnight, I will continue on path, on point, in focus to what is higher than where I stand. I will look up, go beyond any limitations to build upon, aim higher, flex more, see more of the beauty in everything around me and send way more love ahead of me than I ever have, no matter where I am going.

Yes, it is a new year, three hundred and sixty five more days for me to continue to lift up and hopefully, lift all of you with me.

Wishing all a Happy and Healthy New Year, filled with wonder and miracles and opportunities to believe! Hold the light and it will hold you. Always……

1 Comment

Jan 01, 2023

Thank you for this

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