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Karen Frances

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I have so much to be thankful for and in doing so, I share my greatest gratitude to all of you for accompanying me through the Perils of Wisdom.


For the many that have been here with outstretched arms to help me along the

way. Without each and every one, I would still be lost….

For even though I have taken refuge in dark places and have known despair, the light has always found me and raised me up …..

For even at the hands of my enemies, I have been humbled and know that they are my greatest lessons …….

For even at the hands of my greatest love, I have come face to face with my worst self, softened, I now see through the lens of unconditional love ……

At the hands of the Angels here on Earth, I have learned how to give, however not ever enough for what I receive ……

At the request of the universe, I have rode the path of the Warrior, now using my words and inspiration rather than my sword …….

And though I traveled out on the road more years than not, it was for me to finally know when I found my home ……

Every single day, I thank the Divine for the beauty expressed in all that surrounds me and in myself, and I am reminded to let it out …….

I wish you all a bountiful and insightful day that draws you up to greater heights and nourishes your soul

Thankfully Yours, Karen Frances

1 Comment

Laura Federico
Laura Federico
Aug 12, 2023

Love this!!!

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