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A Christmas Wish

Karen Frances

“So this is Christmas and what have you done?

Another year over and a new one just begun.

…. A very Merry Christmas for weak and for strong,

For the rich and the poor ones, The road is so long.”

John Lennon

For those that have been with me throughout this last year, you know from last December’s blog, Christmas really isn’t my thing. And when I say “Christmas”, I am referring to all of the commercialism and hyped consumerism of all things you are told you have to have, that, this year, started before Halloween and ran right over Thanksgiving, leaving it roadkill. Sigh.

I remember when we were very young, our mother would tell us to write down on a piece of paper, for Santa, three things that we needed and three things we wanted. We always got two of the things we needed, mostly socks, underwear or pajamas and then one of the things we wanted, depending on how costly it was. I always asked for Nancy Drew books because they were a shoo in. Eventually, the Christmas tree and then Christmas were outlawed altogether, established by a decree set forth by our mother, and that was that.

And so for all of you, whether naughy, (that will definitely catch up with you), or nice, (which equates to another brick for your place in heaven, as Chuck would say), here is my Christmas Wish list, to you.

I wish for you to experience a silent night, a truly holy night, underneath a blanket of stars, where you can actually feel that there is something bigger than yourself, and be in awe, humbled

I wish for you to awaken and bear witness to the gifts and blessings unfolding all around you, in great abundance, with great gratitude

I wish for you to have endless opportunities to both receive and give of what is needed, filling your heart and feeding your soul

I wish for you the ability to respond with calm reserve and a full spirit that holds all creation in the highest of regard, absent of judgment, filled with compassion

I wish that no matter how old you are, you still believe in magic and that you never stop trying to create it

I wish that you are surrounded by the angels that walk with us, and hold quiet long enough to be able to hear what they are saying

I wish you the best of your friends who know you for who you truly are, every fault and quirk, and always keep you safely to themselves

I wish you a brand new year to graduate to your next best self, while taking those less able along with you

I wish you to really know what Dumbledore told Harry, when he said, “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

And my final wish for you, is only to write, a “Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


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