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Karen Frances

For some, Memorial Day has gotten lost in the three day weekend that marks the start of our summer; the opening of pools and beaches, grilling instead of cooking, outdoor activities and gatherings, close to the end of school and summer vacation. All things to get out and be out.

However, Memorial Day is the day we set aside to honor those who fought for us, served our country and lost their lives, so that we could have our summers, our outdoors, our gatherings.

And now, on this memorial day, when I think of those that have served not only our country but also us, I think that I should also honor the many people out there, on the front lines everyday, fighting for us, putting their lives on the line and sometimes losing.

For all of the good things that this pandemic event has given to us, one is that It has redefined our priorities and what essential means and whom. We use the word “Hero” a lot.

Before Covid we did not put out signs on our front lawns and in our windows thanking the health care workers, the grocery store employees, the truck drivers, the service deliverers, employees working in meat processing plants and working in Amazon warehouses. The teachers, educators, police, firefighters, EMT workers and waste collectors. The employees working in fast food and food establishments. Were you ever thinking about how much they had to lose; poor wage structures, poor or no benefits, working in unsafe and/or unclean conditions and dealing with the public who can do or say anything they want, including shoot you - you know, freedoms…..

Some of us have never lost sight of those things, while all of us now see it for the heroism that it is. Thank you divine intervention.

So for this Memorial Day, I pay a great debt of gratitude to all the women and men that have come before and are here now; that get up day after day, no matter how bad their lives are or how bad the circumstances are of what they are facing and still walk out into it. That have lost their lives for doing what they feel is their duty and what will feed their families. For not seeing the end of the tunnel but still driving through it. Earth’s Warriors.

And so let me say to my family members, friends, loves and all of humanity that were or are at the front line, who gave or give of themselves every single day, I thank you, I salute you and I love you more than I could ever show. And for you I do the one thing I can do everyday, I pray.

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