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Karen Frances

Currently, while we have all been asked to sequester in our homes and practice social distancing, I have been told about and have seen pictures and news clips of people on the streets in protest - I am talking about here, in my America. They are protesting their loss of freedom, their God given rights.


Well why would you even protest for freedom when you already have it. Have any of those people ever been in other countries? Hello? Just living here is an open door to freedom. And what exactly is freedom? Let’s ask Merriam.

And for those who don’t know Ms. Webster, her definitions have been an invaluable aid to me for over 45 years and my go to, even today, although it is a digital experience. Sigh

“Freedom is the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. The quality of being frank, open or outspoken.”

Basically it is choices, personal choices. Choices that we all have here, each and every day.

So look at you, out there, making a choice to speak your mind, letting people know what you have a problem with. You are using your freedom of speech, your freedom to congregate, your freedom to protest. Even though we are being asked to stay in, not congregate and remain calm. And no one stopped you from doing that. You all showed up, had your say, we all heard you, in fact the world heard you.

So where, exactly, did you lose the freedom that you say you are so passionately fighting for?


Sorry, I am still not seeing it. Other people had the right to choose, as you know, and they closed their business, their facilities, their weddings, etc.

So here I am, using my freedom of speech. Freedom to do or say or practice or preach comes down to our personal choices. Choices of who we are, how we want others to see us, what we think and the actions that define us. Religion we choose to follow or lead, groups we support, issues that we feel passionate about, what we do to help or hinder and our sexual orientation. If you live in this country, you always have this freedom, your personal choices, it is never a question, no matter the circumstances, for even in the worst of situations, there is always a choice. Maybe not the ones you were hoping for but the ones that will define you.

But if you are going to declare that your rights are more important to you than death, what’s with the mask? Just an observation…..

However, choices come with consequences, as is the law of physics, and I’m sorry but everyone learned this in Elementary school, Newton’s Third Law of Motion; “to every action, there is always opposed an equal reaction”. And when we are of an intelligent mind, when we choose, we are also choosing the “reaction” or consequence to that choice and there is no getting around that. Law is Law, no matter what level it is set on, Muggle or Divine. And you have to own the “reaction”.

When my America was in trouble and asked me to stay home, only go out when necessary and wear protective gear, I made a choice to do so. Why? Because I choose for people to have the fighting chance to live and so thankful that I am not standing in an ER room, Grocery check out or meat processing plant everyday. Because no one was asking me to give up any of my freedoms, they were asking for something greater, on a whole other level. The choice to help humanity, our sisters and brothers, and the world, through this terrible time. To give everyone a fighting chance.

So I pray everyday, for all of you out there protesting your lack of freedom, that you will be able to take that passion and that fight you have and make a higher choice for all of us united in these states.

But again, your choice.

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