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"The Humble Pilgrim"

Karen Frances

I just returned from a meditation retreat in Maui. I had never been to any of the Hawaiian Islands although it has been on my ‘list’ for some time. So when my beautiful meditation teacher presented the opportunity to attend a mindful retreat, there was no question, I was going to Maui.

Every morning before our daily practice, I would take my hour walk on the beach in prayer, enjoying the sunrise and all that would come to life in starting a new day. As I walked past other people along my route, I would greet them a good morning or wave, depending on how they passed me. Doing this each morning, I would see most of the same people and they became familiar faces, some smiling at me, some passing, resigned to keep their distance and their stare straight ahead, some would engage me in short conversation. There was one older gentleman that would walk down the beach holding small barbells in each hand, his arms bent at the elbow in the shape of the letter ‘L’ and the most beautiful smile. We would greet each other good morning and I would ask how he was and his answer was always exactly the same; “I woke up in Maui”. And I would chuckle and think to myself, “As did I”. Such a simple answer, acknowledging one thing you are so grateful for.

The challenges over all of the years in my life have enforced in me daily gratitude. Gratitude for the blessings in my life, the people being the most important. I could not have navigated my life without the people who have been there along the way, stepping forward to assist me, even if it was just to give me hope with a smile or an outstretched hand or a push or shove in the wrong direction. Lessons that have stretched me near and far and have kept me moving forward on my path.

I am so thankful for my old friends I am forever connected to who are still teaching and growing me and the new friends who trust and honor me with their hearts and souls to create new connections - I love you. I am thankful for all of the people who have hurt me, told me no and pushed me beyond my limits and those that have supported me, loved me and cared for me unconditionally. It has taught me how I can be or choose not to. I am thankful for the things I never had and for not really missing them, for being able to give to others less fortunate and knowing that I am so fortunate even when there were periods in my life when I had nothing. I am thankful that I do not go without my heart breaking upon hearing about a disaster, human tragedy, suffering on levels far beyond my experience, keeping myself in check from endless pity parties. I am thankful for everyone who has ever come in and gone out of my life, like the endless ebb and flow of the sea for no matter how long or short the time, it was such an honor and privilege.

As I continue on this journey of mine, I am humbled by all who take moments of their time to give to me, for it is time that I treasure and take with me beyond the moment. In this week when we are celebrating a day of thanks, I thank all of you for touching my heart and reminding me that I am loved. Blessings to all.

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